General conditions

Check in 16h00
Check out 12h00

We can offer to hold luggage on the arrival and departure days. Arrival time should be announced in advance in order to organize the guests check-in and key delivery.


There are animals on the property like a dog, cats and birds. No other animals are allowed.


Access to swimming pool from 9 to 19.
Clients are invited to visit responsibly our gardens, the vegetable garden and fruit farms, except the technical and private areas. Children must the accompanied.


House cleaning is done daily. Change of towels and bed sheets every 3 days.


To confirm your booking we require a deposit, via bank transfer, of 50% of the total amount of the rent.

Personal belongings

Pink House isn’t responsible for the client’s belongings.

* Prices are indicative and may differ in booking platforms or in the certain holiday period, always ask for confirmation first.

VAT included

Cofinanciado por:

Projetos financiados pela UE